Saturday, December 28, 2019
Leading People - ECQs
Leading People - ECQsLeading People - ECQsLeading People ECQsECQ 2 Leading PeopleAs discussed in the last blog, the Executive Core Qualification (ECQ) statements are broken down into five categoriesLeading Change Leading People Results Driven Business Acumen Building CoalitionsEach ECQ category has leadership competencies that are required to be addressed within each ECQ. Each ECQ typically has two stories and the leadership competencies can be woven through both stories.Today, we are going to discuss Leading People. The leadership competencies attached to Leading People areConflict Management Encourages creative tension and differences of opinions. Anticipatesand takes steps to prevent counter-productive confrontations. Manages and resolves conflictsand disagreements in a constructive manner.Leveraging Diversity Fosters an inclusive workplace where diversity and individual differences are valued and leveraged to achieve the vision and mission of the organization.Developing Oth ers Develops the ability of others to perform and contribute to theorganization by providing ongoing feedback and by providing opportunities to learn throughformal and informal methods.Team Building Inspires and fosters kollektiv commitment, spirit, pride, and trust. Facilitatescooperation and motivates team members to accomplish group goals.One or more of the Leading People stories should focus on leveraging diversity and conflict management. If you integrate those competencies into the stories, then fruchtwein likely you will also cover team building and developing others.Leading People is focused on leading the people, rather than human capital or human resources management. Many ECQ writers will find that they need to flip stories from Leading People to Business Acumen or vice.To include diversity, identify stories that involve a wide-range of personnel with varied skill sets, ages, or varied experience (e.g., military, industry, university, international). One writer told a st ory of matching more senior staff with millennials he asked the senior staff to mentor and provide knowledge transfer to the newer staff, and he asked the junior staff to teach the senior staff how to use smart phones and other computer programs.Another writer told a story of melding military personnel with non-military. He created special forums and team-building activities to blend the two cultures and bring understanding.For conflict management, one writer told a story about how he assumed leadership for a disorganized and chaotic team in constant conflict with official grievances. He mentored his senior subordinates (Branch Chiefs) to properly use performance evaluations for the staff and enforce performance standards. He professionally developed the entire staff by coaching his Branch Chiefs to properly manage their staffs.Final Tip for Leading People Use stories that focus on more than one person the results need to provide benefit to the greater team or staff/offices. Storie s that focus on only one person and one conflict can be too narrow and may be disqualified by the Qualifications Review Board (QRB). Conflict resolution stories at affect the entire staff are much stronger and show broader expertise in applying the required leadership competencies for Leading People.If you need additional assistance, check out our newly updated book (December 2015),The New SES Application, or visit ourServicespage for a quote. Diane can also deliver hands-on training in ECQ writing at your agency contact us for a discussion. Diane Hudson is a multi-credentialed career coach, executive resume writer and editor, specializing in posturing federal and non-federal employees to enter the federal governments Senior Executive Service (SES). She is co-author of The New SES Application, the first-ever book written about the Five-page SES Federal Resume, as well as the traditional 10-page ECQ format. Diane is an experienced trainer in Senior Executive Service, ECQ/TQ, KSA and Federal Resume Writing topics for SES Candidate Development Program candidates. Agency instruction experience includes Commanders Leadership Development Program at the Naval Ship Yard, Air Force Headquarters, US Army Missile Command, FEMA, Defense Acquisition University (Fellows), EPA,PTO, Bureau of Reclamation, Southern Command, Special Forces, and others. Diane is an instructor for military employment readiness specialists and retiring military as well as train-the-trainer at career industry conferences internationally on outplacement and career search topics. The New SES Application, 2nd Edition Why struggle on your own to write your Senior Executive Service application? Use a clear step-by-step method that welches refined over 10 years in author Kathryn Troutmans 2-day SES workshops, and proven to work hundreds of times in the classroom. Along the way, youll find excellent before and after samples of the application pieces. Includes the key steps involved in developing the SES a pplication writing the ECQs, TQs, Five-Page SES Federal Resume, and Executive Cover Letter (if needed), as well as using the required Challenge-Context-Action-Results (CCAR) format for SES narratives.Order Book Now
Monday, December 23, 2019
Military Humanitarian or Compassionate Assignments
Military Humanitarian or Compassionate AssignmentsMilitary Humanitarian or Compassionate AssignmentsIts an unfortunate truth that sometimes during a military career, a member may experience a severe family hardship which requires his/her presence to resolve, with circumstances which make resolving it withemergency leaveimpractical. To help military members in such situations, each of the serviceshas developed a program that allows military members to be re-assigned, or temporarily deferred fromthe assignment if they have a severe family hardship which requires their presence to resolve. TheAir Force, Navy,Marine Corps, and Coast Guard call this program Humanitarian Assignments. The Army calls their program Compassionate Assignments. Exceptional Family Member Program While not a component of Humanitarian/Compassionate Assignments, the Exceptional Family MemberProgram or EFMP warrants special mention. EFMP was developed to make sure military family members (dependents) with special needs (medical, educational, etc.), receive the special attention they require. A small parte of this program is integrated into the military assignments system. When a military member has dependents (spouse, son, daughter, step-son, step-daughter, etc.) with special needs, they are enrolled in EFMP. If the member is selected for an accompanied assignment, one of the first things that happen is the EFMP folks at the losing base contact the EFMP folks at the projected gaining base to determine if the dependents special needs can be adequately addressed at the new location. If not, the assignment iscanceled. It ensures that military dependents are not forced to move to locations where their special needs cannot be adequately addressed, either by the military installation or in the local community. EFMP does not restrict a member from doing his/her share of unaccompanied assignments, however, so they can still deploy. The program merely makes sure that members arent selected for an ac companied assignment to areas where their dependents would not get the special attention they require. Humanitarian/Compassionate Reassignments A Humanitarian Assignment is a special assignment authorized to alleviate a hardship so severe an emergency leave cannot fully resolve it. While each of the serviceshasdifferent procedures, there are some requirements that are common to all the branches. To qualify for a Humanitarian Assignment consideration, a military member must have a documented and substantiated problem involving a family member, which is significantly more severe than other military members situation. Family Member is generally defined asspouse, child, father, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, a rolle in locoparentis or other persons residing in the household who are dependent for over half of their financial support. In the Coast Guard,father-in-law, andmother-in-law do not qualify as family members for Humanitarian Assignments. The problem must be able to be resolved within a specific time-frame (six months to two years, depending on the branch of service). Military members are expected to be available for worldwide assignment, at all times, according to the needs of the service. Thats a large part of why they get a paycheck. For those who have a permanent or prolonged family problem that prevents reassignment, humanitarian discharge is generally the appropriate action. The Comptroller General has ruled that the military services cannot fund an assignment relocation for humanitarian reasons only. That means there must be a valid slot at the gaining base for the persons rank and job. For example, the Air Force would not be able to reassign an F-15 Fighter Aircraft Mechanic to a base that does not have slots for F-15 Fighter Aircraft Mechanics. However, sometimes a service will allow a member to re-train into a different job, to fill a required slot at the Humanitarian Assignment Location. Army Compassionate Action Requests The Army c alls their Humanitarian Assignment Program Compassionate Action Requests. Compassionate actions are requests from individual soldiers when personal problems exist. The two types of compassionate requests are when personal problems are Temporary (resolvable within a year)Not expected to be resolved within a year Reassignment may be authorized when there are extreme family problems, and the soldiers presence is needed. A soldier may get adeletion or deferment from an overseas assignment if the problem requires them to stay in the U.S. for a short time. If the problem is chronic or cant be resolved in a short amount of time, a compassionate discharge procedureis generally the most appropriate action. Consideration for reassignment may be given in cases of extreme family problems that are not expected to be resolved within a year if it meets the needs of the Army. Requests are made on DA Form 3739, Application for Assignment/Deletion/Deferment for Extreme Family Problems submitted throu gh the chain of command. It must be done by the soldier.Commanders can disapprove of compassionate requests when they do not meet the prerequisites. The Army Personnel Command has approval authority for a compassionate reassignment. Criteria The soldier needs to be present to resolve the problem, and it cant be done with leave.The problem cannot have been foreseen when the soldier last entered active duty.A family member includes spouse, child, parent, minor brother or sister, a person in loco parentis, or the only living blood relative of the soldier. If not one of those people, they must be documented as a dependent or, in the case of parents-in-law, no other member of the spouses family can help.For reassignment, a job (MOS) of the correct rank must be available at the requested installation. A pending assignment may be deferred until the request is decided. However, soldiers in basic training will not be deferred from AIT pending the results.The problem must be temporary and resolvable within one year, although longer deferments are sometimes approved. Examples of Requests That Are Normally Approved Death, rape, or a severe psychotic episode of your spouse or minor childTerminal illness of an immediate family member whose doctor documents they are expected to pass within 12 monthsMajor surgery for a spouse or minor child which will have 12 months or less of recovery timeIf you were separated from your family due to military service (not negligence or misconduct) and your children are being placed in foster careAdoption if the child is being placed within 90 days and the adoption was initiated before notification of reassignment Soldiers en route from an accompanied OCONUS tour to an unaccompanied OCONUS tour may be deferred for up to 30 days. The deferment is for settlement of family when the soldiers presence is required for unforeseen problemsThe recent death of other family members with extenuating circumstances Examples of Requests That Are Normally Not Approved The desire to move to a new areaDivorce or separation and legal actions relating to it, including child custodyGaining child custody in a divorceSole parenthoodSpouses difficult pregnancyFamily members allergiesHousing problemsFinancial problemsChronic problems relating to parents or parents-in-law If a compassionate action request is disapproved, a soldier may only request reconsideration for the same family emergency one time. If that is disapproved, there will be no further reconsideration. For complete details about the Armys Compassionate Assignments Program, seeArmy regelung 614-200,?Enlisted Assignments and Utilization Management, paragraph 5-8.??
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Avoid the comparison trap and run your own race
Avoid the comparison trap and run your own raceAvoid the comparison trap and run your own raceThis is Lesson 6 in our 10-part series on getting what you really want out of life. Were talking goals, dreams, and calling - all stuff I love.Ive been sharing my story of not only becoming a writer but learning a lot of other lessons - like the importance of not comparing myself to others. Run your own race has become a bit of a mantra to me lately.Sidenote if youre enjoying this series, check out one of Michael Hyatts upcoming live trainings on goal-setting. He is the Grand Poobah of this stuff, and Ive learned so much from him.Click here to see a list of dates and times.Also, if you need to get caught up on this series, here are the previous lessons (including audio versions with some bonus material)Lesson 1Find your whoLesson 2Decide not to driftLesson 3Set habits, not goalsLesson 4Measure the processLesson 5Seek feedback, ignore criticismAll right. On with the next one Note To listen to the audio of this lesson, click here.Lesson 6 Run your own raceThe other day, I postedsomething snarky on FacebookSo how do you use social media without hating everyone?To be honest, I was just venting. Im a pretty insecure rolle and can easily get jealous of what other people are doing. And I wanted to know if I was the only one who did that.I received a lot of interesting responses.One person told me to pray more. Another person told me to unfriend everyone. But one person said thisJust remember that everyone deep down just wants to feel loved and important. Anything you see stems from that.I loved that, because thats what I want. To feel loved and important. And usually, I feel pretty good about my life - my goals, my dreams, my accomplishments - until I see someone doing better than me.I know not everyone is this way, but I am. Its a sickness, I think - this fear of missing out, the comparison trap we often find ourselves in.But it doesnt have to be this way.Sure, ignoring people helps some of the time. But sometimes, its just hard to ignore everyone all the time.About a year ago, I learned a crucial lesson. I was drowning in stress and overcome with resentment about my situation. On the outside, I looked like I was winning I had a seven-figure business, a bestselling book, and hundreds of thousands of fans. But inside, I was miserable.All I could think about was what I wasnt doing. What I wasnt achieving. What I had to yet to do. And it was eating me up inside.A number of people helped me get out of that funk, and I detail all of ithere in this article.I am now a lot healthier and happier. But I can still drift into the comparison mode and find myself not enjoying what Im doing.Theres one simple phrase that Ive held onto all this time. It was given to me by a friend who was desperately trying to beat everyone around him in a marathon (like, a literal marathon), and one of the people he was running beside shouted at himRun your own race.Thats become a sort of mantra for me. I dont have to compare myself to other people, because we are all playing different games. Thats the fun part. We get tochoose the games we play, the crafts we want to master.When I hear a friend sharing about his biggest month ever, I can quietly tell myself Run your own race.When I see someones highlight reel on Facebook, I dont have to be mad or assume theyre lying. I can just remind myself that this is not my life. What someone else is doing has no bearing on what I do. Thats their race. I need to run my own.And when I worry about not doing enough and really not being enough, I can quietly say to myselfThis is your race. Run it well.Because, really, thats what we all want, isnt it? To do the thing that only we can do - and to do it well.So if you struggle with comparison and jealousy as I do, let me say to youRun your own race. Jeff GoinsTheres really nothing else for you to do. Cover bands dont change the world, as my friend Todd Henry likes to say. A nd you wont change anything trying to be someone else.Let me say that againYou wont change anything trying to be someone else.Run your own race.See you at the finish line.Thisarticlefirst appeared on Goins, Writer.
Friday, December 13, 2019
ASME Launches the ASME Energy Forum
ASME Launches the ASME Energy Forum ASME Launches the ASME Energy Forum A Yearlong Series on Emerging Energy TechnologiesThe Society has launched a new yearlong multi-media series - the ASME Energy Forum - that explores the technical aspects and workings of a broad range of energy sources and related technologies. From solar power and hydro to fuel cell vehicles and wind farms, youll get leading technical expert perspectives on how these energy sources and technologies work, the technical issues and challenges, and the economic implications for businesses.Hydrokinetics is the focus of the first ASME Energy Forum installment, which consists of a webinar and related content on and in Mechanical Engineering magazine. The webinar, Tapping the Power of Flowing Water, will take place Feb. 14 from 200 p.m.-300 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. This online seminar, exploring hydrokinetic power demo projects already underway in New York Harbor and the Gulf Stream, will be presented by AS ME Past President Susan Skemp, executive director of Florida Atlantic Universitys Southeast National Marine Renewable Energy Center, and Jonathan Colby, a hydrodynamic engineer with Verdant Power. It will be moderated by David Walsh, editor, For mora information on the webinar, or to register, click here.The hydrokinetics topic, as part of the ASME Energy Forum, also includes two informative articles by writers from and Mechanical Engineering magazine. The article, Bobbing for Power, is now available online. The Mechanical Engineering article, Waves, Currents Electric Potential, by Mark Crawford, will be available shortly on the ASME Energy Forum page on coming months, the ASME Energy Forum will examine a number of other subjects through its series of in-depth webinars, articles, interviews, podcasts and infographics. These topics will include solar power, waste-to-energy, wind farms, fuel cell vehicles and stations, and hydraulic fracturing. To learn more about the ASME Energy Forum, visit the ASME Energy Forum page on
Monday, December 9, 2019
New Article Reveals the Low Down on What Do Employers Look for in a Resume and Why You Must Take Action Today
New Article Reveals the Low Down on What Do Employers Look for in a Resume and Why You Must Take Action Today The Advantages of What Do Employers Look for in a Resume The qualifications for a job ought to depend on which skills, traits, and behaviors are essential to be prosperous in the job. You should incorporate all certifications and licensures along with your formal schooling as they relate to the specific position for which youre applying. You may remember that the resume screening process differs for professionals. Its also the fruchtwein essential. The Bad Secret of What Do Employers Look for in a Resume The peak of your resume should includecritical keyword phrases and a fast snapshot of your core strengths, Leavy-Detrick states. With this kind of competition in the work market, it is essential that your resume is tailored to the job for which youre applying. Because of this, many candidates decide to put in a section highlighting their most relevant skills at the very top of their resume. Every time you sit down to prepare a cover letter and resume, take a little time to get within the head of the individual doing the very first screening. Bear in mind that a new job may be a completely new beginning for you. If you have to consist of past work thats on the border of relevance, make certain you list job duties which can be regarding the position youre applying for. The work description might also earn a difference. Instead, find out more about the business and read the work description closely. Employers seek those having the ability to lead, motivate and stimulate other people to achieve targets and inspire change. Highly relevant knowledge in a field is the very first thing employers search for. Consider what youve accomplished previously and what you may offer later on. For candidates without any prior work experience, you might want to look for related volunteer experience. If youve got several years of experience, its reasonab le to only consist of information from the previous 10 to 15 decades. If you would like to land job interviews, your entire resume should be excellent, but only a single part of it must be really fantastic. In some instances, a hiring manager is searching for healthcare skills resume above anything else. You feel as though youve stopped growing in your present position and determined a new job would be the perfect way to advance your career. As you find out more about the job that youre applying for, identify industry difficulties. Looking for a new job is just one of the most difficult things you are going to have to do in your career and its no easier this year. If possible, fill employment gaps with different experiences like education or freelance work. Every employer would like to find out what youve done previously. Basically, you wish to quickly portray that youre a perfect candidate for those varieties of jobs youre pursuing. Dont make the error of answering each job posting with the exact generic resume. What You Need to Do About What Do Employers Look for in a Resume Before You Miss Your Chance Employers are trying to see whether you are able to assemble a presentable document. When potential recruiters and employers scan through a pile of resumes, they start looking for certain search phrases and red flags to allow them to know whether the candidate is well worth anotlageher appearance. After youve proofread your resume, you will be prepared to apply for jobs. Most jobs require that you have a fundamental comprehension of computer programs including Excel and Microsoft Office, together with skills in internet navigation, social networking sites and email systems. Hiring managers wish to see your private web presence as it gives them the chance to find out more about you as a candidate. Look carefully at the posting, and in case you have the necessary skills be certain to list them. Make sure that your resume is attractive, make certain its pertinent to the job, make certain youve got traditional format and be certain to use terminology that paints you as a valuable contributor to the business. Resumes are simply not exciting or attractive or sexy however you would like to say it.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
The Benefits of Resume Writing for Ece Students
The Benefits of Resume Writing for Ece Students In the competitive area of education, you are going to want yur resume to be noticed, and highlight your capacity to learn and grow in the present atmosphere. If you have little teaching experience, include volunteer positions and co-curricular pursuits that involve teaching in some manner. A job may be an experience building stepping stone if you already know what sort of career youd like to make in future. Once your resume is completed, you are able to even download it and use it in order to apply for any organization when you want Gossip, Lies and Resume Writing for Ece Students Its not quite as difficult as you may think. If youre a career changer or have several years of experience, craft a highly effective overview to highlight your accomplishments and abilities. Teaching jobs usually need specific degrees and certifications, so be certain to highlight your education. Write down what skills you used, and the way they may relate to the job that you desire. You, if youd like the job. You dont need to incorporate every job that you have had since college. For instance, if youre asking for a job as an administrative assistant, you dont will need to discuss the way your job for a babysitter helped improve your childcare skills, but you might share the way the experience helped you cultivate time management abilities and the capacity to juggle several tasks simultaneously. A summary statement is a brief expert introduction which you can increase the peak of your resume. A strong summary statement at the peak of your resume can increase the possibilities of them noticing what youve got to offer from the beginning. Provided that you include all the appropriate info, sometimes a different look can be what makes you stick out from the remaining portion of the applicants. Your contact information should always go on top of your resume, so that employers can readily find it. If you are in possessi on of a permanent and local address, you may want to play with columns. Writing a resume isnt a simple endeavour, and as stated by the feedback from our current community, its really useful to check professional resume examples before starting to compose your own. Your resume will be broken into sections. Excellent time management abilities and motivation are simply two of them. For students that are new to the work market, interests and activities are a superior means to show employers you have skills they are searching for. You will also find a good example of a resume written especially for an early childhood education job. Many college students aspire to attain success at a youthful age.
Friday, November 29, 2019
This is why delegation is so hard (and how you can fix it)
This is why delegation is so hard (and how you can fix it)This is why delegation is so hard (and how you can fix it)People typically like to do things themselves. We all have a tendency to be overly confident in our abilities.I think that Im a better speechwriter than my speechwriters. I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And Ill tell you right now that Im gonna think Im a better political director than my political director.It welchesnt Trump who said this. It was Obamaas reported in The New Yorkerin November 2008.That confidence is what leads many people to delegate - but leid completely.Ive seen plenty of managers who delegate tasks, such as creating presentations or reports, only to wind up redoing the entire thing. They feel compelled to carefully edit the report line by line or run through the presentation before its given.In that case, they havent actually saved themselves any time.Thats why every good leader has to learn the art of del egation. The secret? Delegation is only tough when you havent hired the right people. If your team excels at their jobs, then all you have to do is choose the best part to make the decisions for each task.Heres how to go about itDelegation departures with hiring the right peopleThe first - and most important - step is finding and hiring people whose judgment you trust. Thats the only way youll be able to hand off projects with confidence.Since youre likely not the expert in every department at your company, its important to use the right proxies to evaluate the skills and competence of potential employees.Ill give you an example of how Ive done this as CEO. When Morphic Therapeutic first started, we were trying to hire a chief scientific officer, specifically, a chemist. I was sitting down with our VP of Finance when our recruiter told us she was sending us a resume to look over. We glanced at each other, and I said, Why would you send this to us? Neither of us knows anything abou t chemistry. Just send it to our Head of Chemistry. He can do the initial screening.The recruiter told me that at many companies, the CEO is expected to screen potential hires first. But that only makes sense if the CEO knows exactly how to evaluate them. In the situation above, I didnt have the chemistry expertise. So I delegated that responsibility to the person who could actually do it.But if youve hired several people, and youre still somehow the best person at every job, youve got a problem. It means youre delegating tasks to the wrong people, or you did a poor job hiring.Once you have the best people, delegation comes easyI gave a talk recently, and during the QA, someone asked me, Whats something your team achieved that you didnt think theyd achieve? And why do you think that happened?My answer related directly to delegation. When creating our series A presentation, our team put together a timeline for when we would move from drug discovery to drug development. I told everyon e not to be reckless or conservative but to use their best judgment. To be honest, I didnt think we were going to meet the timeline we proposed, mainly because something unforeseen often occurs.We ended up hitting it. And I think that happened in part because our Chief Scientific Officer, Bruce Rogers, was free to do his job and lead his team. Theoretically, I could have asked him to send me updates each week, describing everything he was doing and changes he was making. I could have constantly offered my input on each piece of information.Instead, he ran the team and made his own decisions. I wasnt checked out of the process by any means, but simply put, my insight wasnt as valuable in that situation.When it comes down to it, you cant task your team with constant explanations. You have to trust youve hired the right person, so you can feel confident in their judgement and let them do their jobs. And that confidence will be rewarded when your team hits their goals again and again.Bu t you have to know your strengths and weaknessesI am something of your prototypical nerd. From second grade on, I was reading Popular Science and Popular Mechanics. Then, on to Scientific American in high school and to Science and Nature in college, learning all I could about science and technology. But I never deeply understood chemistry. Thats why I always hold chemists in high regard.And yet, here I am. Running a company founded on a chemistry basis.Ive even joked that the best thing about moving from drug discovery to development is that I can start to understand what it is we actually do.Thats obviously a bit of a stretch, but the truth is, there are plenty of areas where my input does not have the same value as other peoples. Thats fine. I can let them make those decisions on their own because I trust their judgment.And thats what delegation is all about. The people in the room who have the most experience and knowledge on a certain subject should be making the decisions about it. If youve hired well, it shouldnt be difficult to step back and let processes happen naturally.This article originally appeared on
Sunday, November 24, 2019
The National Personnel Records Center (NPRC)
The National Personnel Records Center (NPRC)The National Personnel Records Center (NPRC)A National Personnel Records Center officially opened its doors on October 15th, 2011 with an official opening ceremony led by Archivist of the United States, David S. Ferriero. The National Personnel Records Center The National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) is one of the National Archives and Records Administrations largest operations. It is the central repository of personnel-related records for both the military and civil tafelgeschirr employees of the United States Government. Its mission is to provide world-class service to government agencies, military veterans and their family members, former civilian Federal employees, and the general public. The NPRC, as it exists today, is the product of several previous operations. Todays organization is the embodiment of National Archives and Records Administrations (NARA) policy that places all inactive Federal personnel records, both military a nd civilian, in the custody of a single administrative unit. NPRC Basics The National Personnel Records Center, with the capacity for more than 2.3 million cubic feet of records, is home to all of the Agencys archival and permanent records. The NPRC houses all Official Military Personnel Files (OMPF), Organizational and Auxiliary files, and Official Personnel Folders (OPF) of former civilian Federal personnel who separated prior to 1973 at the center. The facility is also home to NPRC staff and over a dozen other Federal agencies. It has a state-of-the-art preservation laboratory for records conservation, a large public research room, and a multi-purpose room for meetings and public outreach. Overview of NPRC Records Holdings There are two types of records available at the NPRC, Archival records, and Federal records. Records are accessioned into the National Archivesand become archival62 years after the service members separation from the military. Records with a discharge d ate of 62 years ago or longer are archival and are open to the public. Records with a discharge date of less than 62 years ago are non-archival and are maintained under the Federal Records Center program. Non-archival records are subject to access restrictions. Archival records opened to the public are as follows Organizational, Auxiliary and Other records pertaining to individual military and civilian service with the government of the United States - includes Selective Service RecordsOfficial Personnel Folders (OPF) of former Federal civil servants whose employment ended prior to 1952Records of Persons of Exceptional Prominence (PEP) military personnel files of Presidents, members of Congress and the Supreme Court famous military leaders decorated heroes celebrities and other cultural figures who served in the military Official Military Personnel Files (OMPF) from all service branches for veterans with a discharge date of 1949 or prior Federal records subject to access restriction s are as follows Official Military Personnel Files (OMPF) from all service branches for veterans with a discharge date of 1949 or afterEmployee Medical Folders (EMF) of former Federal civilian employeesOfficial Personnel Folders (OPF) of former Federal civil servants whose employment ended after 1951Military health and medical records of discharged and deceased veterans, retirees and military family members treated at military service medical facilities Visitors and on-site researchers are able to access information at the facilities research rooms, but an appointment is required. More Information For more information, be sure to check out the NARA website. Thefacility is located at 1 Archives Drive, Saint Louis, Missouri, 63138 in suburban North St. Louis County.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Top 5 Ways Brands Advertise to Children
Top 5 Ways Brands Advertise to ChildrenTop 5 Ways Brands Advertise to ChildrenThe FTC (Federal Trade Commission) has many laws regarding advertising and marketing. As you can imagine, when it comes to minors, those laws get enforced severely. In fact, every violation can result in civil penalties of up to $16,000 per incident. Whats mora, the content and style of the ad id more closely scrutinized. For instance, the kind of exaggeration and over the top ads that are fine to show to adults are not viewed the same way when it comes to children. Depending on the age of the child, he or she may not be able to distinguish the fantasy of the advert from the reality of the product. If the ad shows a bicycle with sounds dubbed over it of a motorbike, that bicycle had better make those sounds in real life. Otherwise, the child will have been lied to by the ad. But even if advertisers follow the rules to the letter, it doesnt stop them from finding creative, and legal, ways to bend them from time to time. 1.Celebrity Endorsements There are plenty of celebrities out there on social media, and they are more than happy to push out paid tweets and Instagram deutsche post dhls that children will landsee. It may take just a few seconds to write the post (and in many cases, its simply given to the celebrity verbatim), but they can earn up to $75,000 for an Instagram post, and $30,000 for a tweet. While thats a staggering sum of money, its peanuts compared to the cost of a TV spot, and will probably have a much bigger impact. Whats more, the posts dont even have to be labeled as ads, which means a lot of gullible kids and teens think the celebs they adore are genuinely into that product. 2.Cartoons and Imagery With Kid Appeal Kids and teens love animation. Think back to your younger days, and youll remember that most of your favorite shows growing up were animated. These days, its easier than ever to create animation digitally, and that means advertisers and brands are able to crowbar fun, friendly, and cool animated characters into their ads. From cereal and toys, to candy and clothing, if the children are the targets of the ads, cartoons and kid-friendly images will be front and center. 3. Branded or Sponsored Content Following on from the animation mentioned previously, some advertisers go even further and produce series or webisodes featuring characters connected to the brand. This series of webisodes by Lucky Charms follows the exploits of Lucky the Leprechaun. The whole series is to devised to make Lucky a hit with the kids, who then spot the character on the cereal box in the store and ask for it. And lets not forget the series that were created specifically to sell toys, like Transformers, He-Man, and many others since. 4.Product Placement A close relation to branded content, this aims to advertise to children on a much more subconscious level. Perhaps the greatest example of this is E.T.- The Extra-Terrestrial, which showed the cu te alien being lured into the house by a trail of Reeses Pieces. There were boxes of Cheerios front and center in Honey, I Shrunk the Kids, a huge McDonalds logo in Richie Rich, and cans of Pepsi in Home Alone. Product placement is a multi-million dollar investment for brands, and if the film is successful, it can have a huge impact on sales. While adults know whats going on, children are not as perceptive. After the movie, they will not realize why they want a certain product they just do. 5.Showing Other Kids Loving the Product Children want what their friends what. They also want what other kids are enjoying. Its no surprise then that so many ads aimed at children feature kids of a similar age loving the product like it was the greatest thing ever invented. From amazingly delicious junk food, to toys and games that have about ten minutes of playability. This is, of course, just par for the course in advertising. However, when adults see people just ecstatic about a product, we take it with a grain of salt. Children, theyre not as skeptical especially children under ten years old. They see their peers just laughing it up, crazy about a toy, and they want it. The nag factor kicks in, and sure enough, that toy is unwrapped on his or her birthday. Most scholars and experts agree that children should not be targeted in ads, and that there should be stricter rules around it. Adults make the purchasing decisions, children are not armed with enough life experience to know they are being manipulated. But, for the time being, ads will still target children because they are worth billions in sales.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
4 Reasons Your Resume Is Being Ignored
4 Reasons Your Resume Is Being Ignored 4 Reasons Your Resume Is Being Ignored Have you spent hours upon hours writing what you thought was the perfect resume, only for it to be consistently ignored by hiring managers? The job market is highly competitive, and your resume is up against tens or hundreds of others every time you apply for a job. Before sending your resume out to another role, address these common weaknesses that may be holding you back: 1. Your Cover Letter Isnt Strong Enough Many people spend days crafting their resumes, only to ruin their chances with a thoughtless, tossed-off cover letter. Your cover letter and your resume are a team. They need to be equally great if you are to land an interview. Spend some time crafting an original, inspiring, and tailored cover letter for each application. Your cover letter should detail why youre interested in the role and sum up why youre the right candidate for the job. It should also speak specifically to the company youre applying to. Yes, that does mean you need to alter it for every role. 2. Your Resume Profile Isnt Tailored If you are using the same resume profile for every application, you arent doing yourself any favors. Busy recruiters and hiring managers have piles of resumes to get through each and every day. At best, yours will get a quick skim before they decide whether or not to toss it. Your resume profile is your best shot at catching someones attention and showing them the value you bring to the table. Your profile should be a short, snappy, persuasive paragraph that summarizes your key skills, results, and experiences. The goal is to entice the recruiter or hiring manager to keep reading. Like a cover letter, your resume profile should also be tailored to each role. Make a note of keywords and specific skills highlighted in the job description, and then deploy those keywords and skills in your resume profile. This makes it clear youre a good candidate for the role. 3. Your Resume Is Difficult to Read You could be the perfect candidate for the job, but if the layout of your resume is off, youre unlikely to be called for interview. Simply put, the easier your resume is to navigate, the more likely a recruiter is to actually read it. Spend some time thinking about how your resume actually looks. Use a clear, simple font, and break sections up with white space. Bullet-pointed lists make the text easy to digest, while bold text is a great way to highlight important skills and results relevant to the job. Always remember to include a resume profile and core skills section. This ensures recruiters will see your value, even if they only scan your resume for 30 seconds. One final tip: If you are submitting your resume digitally, save it as a PDF to avoid any inadvertent formatting blunders. 4. Your Resume Doesnt Prove Your Impact Recruiters arent all that interested in the day-to-day duties of your previous roles. Theyre more impressed by the impact you made on your former employers. When it comes to your work history, you have to do more than just state what each position involved. Include facts, figures, and metrics that prove your were an asset to your company. For example, dont just say you were involved in client acquisition. Instead, state how many new clients you brought to the company during your tenure. Instead of mentioning you were involved in sales, detail how much revenue you earned for the company. Whether its costs cut, time saved, problems solved, revenue generated, or awards received, your resume must include some hard evidence of your value. Quantifying your achievements helps back up everything you say about yourself. A recruiter or hiring manager wont believe you unless you give them a good reason to. Andrew Fennell is the founder of UK-based CV-writing advice website StandOut CV.Master the art of closing deals and making placements. Take our Recruiter Certification Program today. We're SHRM certified. Learn at your own pace during this 12-week program. Access over 20 courses. Great for those who want to break into recruiting, or recruiters who want to further their career.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Professional Emirates Flight Attendant CV Template
Professional Emirates Flight Attendant CV Template Professional Emirates Flight Attendant CV Template The process of looking for the perfect job can take awhile, and one of the most important things is to write an effective CV that will attract the attention of a recruiter or hiring manager. A strong CV will include relevant work experience, notable accomplishments, skills and qualifications, and education. In order to get a grip on how to write a winning CV from the start, consult our Emirates flight attendant cv template. It highlights the important sections and gives you writing tips so that you can customize your own CV for the perfect position.Create This CVEmirates Flight Attendant CV Template Sara AndersonNew York, NY 11111E: P: 555-555-1212Professional SummaryProfessional flight attendant with over 10 years of experience in international travel. Customer-focused and passionate about providing world-class service during all aspects of flight. Proven leadership skills with attention to detail. Loyal, dependable, and friendly.Work ExperienceHead Flight Att endantBritish AirwaysDecember 2010- Present Attend pre-flight meetings to review details of flight and emergency evacuation procedures, and discuss potential issues and solutions. Supervise up to 10 flight attendants and coordinate duties; mediate conflicts between crew members. Take inventory of food items, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, headsets, and sales transactions prior to take off and landing; order supplies as needed. Manage problems within the cabin to ensure the comfort and safety of passengers within the entire length of the flight. Check onboard emergency equipment and first aid kits to ensure proper functionality; assist with emergency situations during flight. Reinforce and uphold FAA and additional regulatory requirements to keep flight crew and passengers safe.Flight AttendantUnited AirlinesJanuary 2007- December 2010 Demonstrated use of emergency and safety equipment; ensured seat belts were fastened during take-off, landing, and turbulence. Served and sold snacks, beverages, and meals; coordinated meals for passengers with dietary restrictions. Provided blankets and pillows for passenger comfort, answered passenger questions regarding flight, and made sure passengers were secure and satisfied.Flight Attendant Sun Country AirlinesMarch 2005- January 2007 Welcomed passengers during boarding process, checked tickets, and helped them find seats; assisted with stowing carry-on luggage. Educated passengers on procedures, maintained safe conditions in cabin, and helped passengers when necessary. Provided customer service in the form of answering questions, serving food and beverage, and handing out magazines, headsets, pillows, and blankets.Education and TrainingAssociate Degree in Hospitality and Tourism2005Current FAA Certification2017Skills Fluent in English, Spanish, and Arabic Great customer service skills including tact, resourcefulness, and poise Excellent communication skills Attentive and great attention to detail Strong decision-m aking skills Ability to lead groups of people and coordinate action during stressful situations First aid and CPR certifiedHobbies and InterestsWhen not working, I take part in all different types of exercise, such as running, cycling, weight lifting, tennis, yoga, and rock climbing. I love to explore various areas of the world and interact with people of different cultures. I have a passion for language and am currently studying French and Mandarin. I also volunteer with Habitat for Humanity and a variety of childrens organizations.Customize CVEmirates Flight Attendant Resume Questions 1. How do you write a summary statement for an Emirates flight attendant CV?When an employer first reads over your CV, the professional summary typically stands out the most. In the Emirates flight attendant resume sample, the professional summary shows off the candidateâs top selling points. A good summary should introduce you, tout your best attributes, and include only three main points. Some a pplicants new to the workforce or changing careers may opt to have an objective statement in their resume instead of the summary for better results.2. What should your education section look like in an Emirates flight attendant CV?The education section is one of the most important parts of a CV or resume. Hiring managers recruiting flight attendants want to see evidence of success in the CV, and you can show off your potential with a complete education section. In the Emirates flight attendant resume sample, the candidate lists her highest degree at the top of her education section and only includes the basic details. She also gives information about her industry-specific certifications that are essential to the airline industry. While itâs not necessary to include your GPA or classes, you can mention if you graduated with honors in this section.3. Whatâs the best resume template to use for an Emirates flight attendant CV?The goal of your CV is to make yourself stand out, and yo ur documentâs design can help you achieve this. Itâs best to stick with a clean or classic template for your CV, such as the Emirates flight attendant resume sample. Ideally, this template will help you put the most important information about yourself at the top, such as your contact details and professional summary. If you struggle with organizing all your information, the resume builder can help you craft your CV step-by-step. This way, you can know exactly what to say to help your CV be the one employers notice for the best flight attendant jobs.4. What should go in the experience section of your Emirates flight attendant CV?The experience section is a great spot to give further details about your skills as a flight attendant. Before you start writing, look at examples, such as the Emirates flight attendant resume sample, for some inspiration about wording and phrasing. Use engaging action verbs to describe each previous job responsibility and give the employer a clear visio n of your impact. Instead of focusing on a selection of your jobâs duties, strive to tell a story about how you have helped passengers feel comfortable, improved customer service, and demonstrated exemplary safety practices in your work.5. How do you write about your hobbies on your CV?A CV gives candidates an opportunity to provide more information than allowed on a resume, such as a section detailing hobbies and interests. In the Emirates flight attendant resume sample, the candidate takes advantage of this extra section for the CV and gives more details about her suitability for the position. Think of the hobbies section of the CV as a place to sell yourself even more as a perfect candidate. You should only include hobbies that relate to the demands of the job, such as learning new languages and experiencing new cultures. You can also include hobbies that give employers an idea of your character.Using a Job Description to Create a Standout Emirates Flight Attendant CVA Sample E mirates Flight Attendant DescriptionJob SummaryDo you love to travel the world? Are you passionate about delivering world-class service to enhance the flight experience? Flying for Emirates means that you will be a part of an elite squad of flight attendants, and you will be able to use your customer service skills to support our flight crew. As an employee of one of the worlds leading airlines, you will have multiple opportunities to expand your career. Along with a flexible schedule, you will be rewarded with a healthy benefits package.Job ResponsibilitiesAs part of our mission to deliver superior customer service, job responsibilities will include the following: Make passengers feel welcome as they board the plane, assist with stowing luggage, and offer items of comfort. Demonstrate emergency and safety procedures; answer passengers questions about specific procedures, flight details, and services. Conduct regular trips through the cabins to distribute requested items, serve and refill beverages, and ensure passenger comfort. Assist with passengers who need help, such as the elderly, small children, or disabled individuals. Prepare reports related to beverage and meal inventories, flight schedules, cabin equipment repairs, and passenger complaints. Administer first aid, reassure worried passengers, and remain calm and confident during emergency situations. Job SkillsEmirates is looking for the best of the best. Our required qualifications and skills include: A minimum of five years experience in international travel Fluent in English and Arabic; other languages strongly preferred College degree in hospitality, tourism, customer service, communications, or similar First aid and CPR certified Excellent customer service skills Strong oral and written communication skills Past supervisory experience is a plusCreate This CVHow to Employ the Job Description in Your Emirates Flight Attendant CVIn order for your CV to be noticed by the hiring manager, it is importa nt that your CV matches up with key elements from the job description. A good idea is to read the job description and then tailor your own CV to specific aspects in the description. For example, in the Emirates flight attendant cv template, the phrase world-class service is used in the professional summary, which mirrors the same phrase in the job description summary.You also want your past work experiences to match up with the responsibilities listed in the job description, as this shows the employer that you have the experience for the job at hand. Also match up your qualifications and skills. The job description example lists a number of qualifications, such as first aid, CPR, customer service and communication skills, and language fluency, which are listed in the Emirates flight attendant cv template. Use exact phrases as much as possible, as this demonstrates you are a great fit for the position.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The Importance of Upskilling Your Employees
The Importance of Upskilling Your Employees The Importance of Upskilling Your Employees In an era of increasing automation and changing business priorities, upskilling is taking on new urgency. Upskilling is more than just a new term for professional training and development. It comes along at a time when teaching your employees new skills is no longer just a nice thing for a company to offer but a must-do. Hereâs why: Why upskilling matters The nature of jobs is shifting. Digital innovations are affecting every company and nearly every employee these days. Automation has taken away many jobs but at the same time replaced them with new roles requiring new skills. Those who could do their jobs without strong technical abilities just a couple of years ago must now use an array of technology tools in their everyday tasks. Finding and developing people with digital business skills is not just a priority in IT, but across the organization. Employee expectations are changing. Another reason upskilling is becoming urgent for employers is because newer professionals arenât going to be satisfied in their jobs if theyâre not given serious opportunities to learn. In a and Enactus survey of Generation Z workers (born 1990-1999), a whopping 91 percent cited professional training as an important factor when choosing an employer. Itâs not just Gen Z employees, either â" smart professionals of all ages know they need to be continually developing their skills if they want to stay relevant in the workplace these days. Often, they donât have the time or money to invest in upskilling outside of work, so they look to their employer for support in this area. Training fuels motivation. Training and development programs boost morale, employee satisfaction, and succession planning. Any time you invest in your employees by providing or supporting upskilling opportunities, they feel more valued, and in turn, grow more loyal to the company. Whatâs more, when your employees learn new skills, they put themselves in a position to take the next step on their career path with the company, and thatâs a win-win: The employee gets a desired promotion, and the organization gets to fill an important position with an experienced, skilled worker who has plenty of institutional knowledge and can hit the ground running. It boosts the bottom line. Though upskilling programs can cost money, they also provide strong ROI. For one thing, itâs often easier and cheaper to address skills gaps in your company by training your current employees, rather than going out and hiring new ones. For another, employees who feel like they donât have the opportunity to grow and move up at their company tend to leave for other opportunities. That means you have to replace them, and the costs involved in the recruitment and hiring process are high, from advertising the position to potentially paying a signing bonus to the new person. And thatâs not even taking into account the time it takes to train the new person once theyâre on the job, and the loss of knowledge and experience the former employee took with them when they left. Even if youâre convinced your company should be investing in upskilling opportunities, you may not have a good sense of how to implement them in your organization. Here are a few ideas: Upskilling opportunities âLunch-and-learnâ training sessions. These are attractive for staff who feel they donât have time to fit in training in the middle of a workday. You can either provide lunch or ask attendees to bring their own to these meetings. You can bring in outside experts to lead the sessions or tap an employee with expertise in the subject. Mentoring and shadowing. You have plenty of subject-matter experts within your company, so why not give them a way to pass their knowledge along? Mentors get to hone their leadership skills, while the employees shadowing them gain valuable real-world experience and advice that can be difficult to pick up in a classroom setting. Virtual learning. It can be hard to get your staff together for on-site training these days, when an increasing number of people are working remotely or from different locations. One solution: an online platform for training, where employees can log in at a designated time and follow a facilitator through a class or lesson. These days, training software is more immersive and dynamic than ever; participants can take quizzes and surveys, watch videos illustrating a particular topic, and even use virtual âroomsâ for breakout sessions. Microlearning. For certain subjects, like boosting employeesâ understanding of a particular software program, learning in quick bursts can be particularly effective. It entails watching short web-based videos focused on a specific topic, and sometimes completing an exercise or quiz at the end. The sessions typically take between five and 10 minutes, which means employees can take part in them almost any time they have a short break during the day. Tuition reimbursement or assistance. Sometimes, your employees need to study a subject in depth, in a way that goes beyond the organizationâs capabilities. When thatâs the case, itâs often best to consider paying in part or in full for pertinent courses and industry-recognized certification programs. Creating upskilling opportunities at your company isnât just smart, itâs critical to the health and growth of your organization. Forward-thinking companies that consider what they want their staff to learn and what training and development methods are best for their goals reap the benefits with employees who are better at their jobs, more motivated and more likely to remain with the company.
Friday, November 15, 2019
How to Find Out if a Company is Hiring
How to Find Out if a Company is Hiring How to Find Out if a Company is Hiring At the Simply Hired Blog, we talk a lot about what your resume should look like, how to succeed in your interview, or how to turn that initial call into a job offer. If youâre just starting out in the job or career search, however, you may need guidance that is even more preliminary. Here weâll take a step back and help with some handy advice regarding just how to find an open job position, to begin with. Maybe you have a company in mind that youâd like to work for. Or, perhaps you have a specific industry or field in mind but arenât sure where to begin when it comes to finding out whoâs hiring. If this sounds familiar, read on as we discuss how to find out if a company is hiring. The Company Website While it may seem a bit of an old-school approach, getting the lowdown from your target companyâs individual website is still one of the most reliable sources of info on not only open positions but also hiring process in general. Many employers will often solicit job openings on their website before sending out to third-party sources, making frequent and early checking of a company website a must for those looking to get the inside track. Pay specific attention to any submission requirements and be sure to supply all necessary information to both show off your ability to follow directions and to avoid your resume being fast-tracked to the âcircular filing bin.â Link Up on LinkedIn Since its inception, LinkedIn has cemented itself as the premier networking site for professionals and career-minded individuals. With fewer cat memes and a larger amount of employment-minded guidance, LinkedIn is an ideal place to get the scoop on job opportunities that may fit your bill. Follow the company or companies youâre interested in joining and feel free to âconnectâ with individuals that share common connections. To avoid coming off as âstalker-ishâ try not to send invites âcoldâ without any kind of common connections or interests. Donât forget to check out different industry or discussion groups that may allow you to interact with other professionals in your field. Word of Mouth Speaking of professionals in your field, networking via word of mouth is still an excellent method for discovering whether the company of your dreams is hiring. Attend in person social hours or educational events to double up on learning opportunities and job sleuthing. Feel free to pass around to your trusted colleagues that youâre interested in a job at X company. You never know when someone may have heard of a current or upcoming opening that may not be listed elsewhere. Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and More While social media used to be a way for your grandma to check in on your comings or goings in the inevitable event you forgot to call, the modern world of social media is very different. Todayâs biggest companies communicate with customers, suppliers and potential employees via their social media platforms. Whether a âTweetâ regarding new open positions or a post inviting applications, be on the lookout for opportunities via an organizations public communications channels. If you do happen to score an interview, these sites are also goldmines for insight into company culture, initiatives, history and other tidbits that can help you turn a job opportunity into a job offer. Newsletters and Publications On the topic of going straight to the source, digital newsletters, articles and other publications are still alive and kicking and are often viable methods for getting the lowdown on potential job prospects at your favorite company. Subscribe to an employerâs digital mailing list for a daily dose of news delivered straight to your phone or computer. For the more internet savvy among you, setting up an alert using your preferred web browser or search engine is also convenient and useful for being the first to hear about potential hiring opportunities. Job Boards Not being ones to toot our own horn, weâve certainly saved the best and most efficient for last when it comes to strategies for finding out if your favorite potential employer is hiring. Sites such as Simply Hired offer the ability to search for all openings from your favorite employer. Also, search tools allow you to narrow offerings to a specific region, job title and more. Set up alerts on a daily or weekly basis to deliver results of your saved search direct to your inbox for additional on-the-go access. Whatever your preferred method, technological advances and the ability to communicate quickly and efficiently have made discovering whether a company is hiring in your field easier than ever. Remember to remain vigilant and persistent and keep an updated resume at the ready to take advantage of opportunities on the fly.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
How to Explain Gaps on Your Resume
How to Explain Gaps on Your Resume How to Explain Gaps on Your Resume Its normal to have gaps on your resume between jobs. People lose their jobs, have health problems, go traveling, or simply decide to quit their job. Gaps in your employment history are nothing to be ashamed of.At the same time, if you have gaps on your resume employers will want to know why. Its natural for prospective employers to ask difficult questions.This isnt a problem. Job candidates get into difficult situations when theyre unprepared. As long as youre ready for the question, you can give a considered answer which will satisfy the interviewer.If your resume has multiple gaps, this can be harder, but not impossible, to explain. There are also resume formats which draw less attention to resume gaps. For example, functional resumes emphasize your skill set rather than your work experience. Create my new resume Should you mention employment gaps on your resume?First of all, its worth considering whether you need to include the gap on your resume. Youre not obliged to include your entire employment history.If youve been working for many years theres no need to include positions from more than 10-15 years ago. This means that if the gap was long enough ago theres no need to mention it.If the gap was in the last 5 years it is more difficult to conceal. The last thing you want to do is lie to a potential employer as it will probably come back to bite you.How to explain gaps in employment during a job interviewExplaining gaps in employment can be tricky. However, with the right approach and preparation, you can give a confident, honest answer which will convince the interviewer. Here are some tips to help you prepare:Be positiveAlways talk enthusiastically about past positions. If you left a job, avoid criticizing past colleague or bosses as this can give the impression that youre difficult to work with. Similarly, when talking about the gap on your resume, focus on the constructive aspects. Focus on any projects, freelance work, traveling, or hobbies youv e spent time on. Employers want positive workers. If you can avoid negativity during difficult questions it will give a fantastic impression.Be honestThere are good reasons for gaps in employment and youve got yours. Dont tell lies about why theres a gap on your resume as the employer will probably see straight through them. Secondly, even if the employer believes you it could come back to hurt you in the future. The truth is, if youre positive and honest about why theres a gap on your resume, youll come across well.Be preparedIf you havent prepared an answer it will be immediately obvious to the interviewer. Stuttering and stammering, while you rack your brains for an answer, is exactly what you want to avoid. This gives the impression that youre hiding something or, at best, that youre badly prepared for the interview. Anticipating the interview questions, and preparing answers is key to a successful interview.Be confidentPractice answering questions about why youve got a gap on y our resume. Ask a friend or family member to give you a mock interview. Remember that gaps in employment happen. Life happens. Theres no reason to feel embarrassed about the gaps so confidently explain why theyre there. If you struggle with nerves, read this guide on how to not be nervous in a job interview.How to fill in employment gaps on your resumeTheres nothing wrong with having a gap in your employment history. However, a resume with multiple gaps can give the impression youre not a serious candidate. Here are some tips on how to write a resume and take emphasis away from the gaps.Focus on what you didFill the gap with what you were doing during the gap. If you went traveling or took time to focus on a personal project, you can include this.Only use years as the datesBy not including months when listing dates on your resume you can close small gaps. Employers may not ask you for more specific dates but be ready if they do and be honest.Change the resume formatThere are numerou s different types of resumes. Chronological resumes draw attention to to your work experience which will highlight any gaps. Functional resume templates focus on your skills. Using a resume builder is an effective way of quickly producing professional-looking results. How to Explain Gaps on Your Resume Its normal to have gaps on your resume between jobs. People lose their jobs, have health problems, go traveling, or simply decide to quit their job. Gaps in your employment history are nothing to be ashamed of.At the same time, if you have gaps on your resume employers will want to know why. Its natural for prospective employers to ask difficult questions.This isnt a problem. Job candidates get into difficult situations when theyre unprepared. As long as youre ready for the question, you can give a considered answer which will satisfy the interviewer.If your resume has multiple gaps, this can be harder, but not impossible, to explain. There are also resume formats which draw less attention to resume gaps. For example, functional resumes emphasize your skill set rather than your work experience. Create my new resume Should you mention employment gaps on your resume?First of all, its worth considering whether you need to include the gap on your resume. Youre not obliged to include your entire employment history.If youve been working for many years theres no need to include positions from more than 10-15 years ago. This means that if the gap was long enough ago theres no need to mention it.If the gap was in the last 5 years it is more difficult to conceal. The last thing you want to do is lie to a potential employer as it will probably come back to bite you.How to explain gaps in employment during a job interviewExplaining gaps in employment can be tricky. However, with the right approach and preparation, you can give a confident, honest answer which will convince the interviewer. Here are some tips to help you prepare:Be positiveAlways talk enthusiastically about past positions. If you left a job, avoid criticizing past colleague or bosses as this can give the impression that youre difficult to work with. Similarly, when talking about the gap on your resume, focus on the constructive aspects. Focus on any projects, freelance work, traveling, or hobbies youv e spent time on. Employers want positive workers. If you can avoid negativity during difficult questions it will give a fantastic impression.Be honestThere are good reasons for gaps in employment and youve got yours. Dont tell lies about why theres a gap on your resume as the employer will probably see straight through them. Secondly, even if the employer believes you it could come back to hurt you in the future. The truth is, if youre positive and honest about why theres a gap on your resume, youll come across well.Be preparedIf you havent prepared an answer it will be immediately obvious to the interviewer. Stuttering and stammering, while you rack your brains for an answer, is exactly what you want to avoid. This gives the impression that youre hiding something or, at best, that youre badly prepared for the interview. Anticipating the interview questions, and preparing answers is key to a successful interview.Be confidentPractice answering questions about why youve got a gap on y our resume. Ask a friend or family member to give you a mock interview. Remember that gaps in employment happen. Life happens. Theres no reason to feel embarrassed about the gaps so confidently explain why theyre there. If you struggle with nerves, read this guide on how to not be nervous in a job interview.How to fill in employment gaps on your resumeTheres nothing wrong with having a gap in your employment history. However, a resume with multiple gaps can give the impression youre not a serious candidate. Here are some tips on how to write a resume and take emphasis away from the gaps.Focus on what you didFill the gap with what you were doing during the gap. If you went traveling or took time to focus on a personal project, you can include this.Only use years as the datesBy not including months when listing dates on your resume you can close small gaps. Employers may not ask you for more specific dates but be ready if they do and be honest.Change the resume formatThere are numerou s different types of resumes. Chronological resumes draw attention to to your work experience which will highlight any gaps. Functional resume templates focus on your skills. Using a resume builder is an effective way of quickly producing professional-looking results.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Want to sound smarter Master these 7 grammar tips
Want to sound smarter Master these 7 grammar tips Want to sound smarter Master these 7 grammar tips As the executive editor of Avenue Magazine, a luxury lifestyle publication based in New York City, I see the importance of proper grammar every day. But you donât have to work in publishing to realize the necessity of good writing. Misplaced commas, an incorrect spelling, or a missing hyphen can change the meaning of a sentence.Language rules exist for clarity. A classic example is the sentence âLetâs eat mom,â which reads much differently from âLetâs eat, mom.â In the first, the writer is having her mom for dinner. In the second, she is urging her mom to eat with her.Donât get caught up in an email chain of miscommunication. Read on for seven tips on how to improve your English expertise.1. Read frequentlyWriting well can become second nature to those who also read well. Pay attention to how authors structure their sentences and how they use commas and sentence length to adjust tone and cadence. Reading can help to increase vocabulary. If you donât know where to be gin, ask colleagues for reading suggestions specific to your field, or browse best-selling book lists (hereâs a great list of business books).Follow Ladders on Flipboard!Follow Laddersâ magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more!To write well, you must also understand the basics of the English language - how sentences are composed, the different parts of speech, subject/verb agreement, tense, and punctuation. Pick up a copy of Stephen Kingâs âOn Writingâ for a fresh take on writing rules.2. Memorize homophonesThereâs no way around it - many rules in the English language require memorization. Among the most frequently committed grammatical errors are misused homophones, which are words that sound the same but have different meanings.âYouâre/your,â âthere/their/theyâre,â âits/itâs,â and âthen/thanâ are all commonly confused. An easy tool to help with contractions is to remember that they are der ived from two words. âYouâreâ is âyou areâ; âtheyâreâ is âthey areâ; and âitâsâ is âit is.â âThenâ is used to indicate time, whereas âthanâ is used as a comparison.3. Learn first-person singular pronounsSentences often call for choosing the correct first-person singular pronoun - either âIâ or âme.â Remember that âIâ is a subject pronoun, whereas âmeâ is an object pronoun. A helpful way to determine word choice is to remove any other subjects.For example, consider the sentence âMy roommate and I/me went to the store.â If you think about the sentence as âI went to the storeâ or âMe went to the store,â itâs more obvious that âIâ is correct.âIâ is the subject of the verb âto be.â4. Learn how to use commasAs a very broad rule of thumb, commas are used to indicate pauses in a sentence. They should not be used in place of a period. For example, âWe went to the baseball field, it was funâ is incorrect.But âWe went to the baseball field, and it was funâ is correct, as commas can be used to separate two independent clauses when joined by coordinating conjunctions like âand,â âor,â or âbut.â Commas are also used to separate three or more phrases in a series, after an introductory clause or phrase, and to set off nonessential clauses or phrases.5. Beware the dangling modifierA dangling modifier is a word or phrase that doesnât have a clear subject. âAfter reviewing your notes, the conclusion remains elusiveâ contains a dangling modifier. Who is reviewing the notes? The sentence should be rewritten to say, âAfter reviewing your notes, I am unable to come to a conclusion.â6. Stay activeAll sentences are identified as being either active or passive. In an active sentence, the subject performs the action. âThe girl ate the saladâ is an active sentence.In a passive sentence, the subject of the sentence is also the subject of the action. âThe salad was eaten by the girlâ is a passive sentence. Though both are grammatically correct, passive sentence structures often lead to more errors, including dangling modifiers, misplaced commas, and run-on sentences. Sticking to the active voice will help ensure clarity.7. Proofread and read your piece out loudA common cause of poor writing is time, as writers often power through emails and memos, giving a document a cursory glance before sending it to colleagues or clients. Step away from your piece before you submit it, and give it a thorough proofread.Reading your writing in a new form - for example, on paper instead of on a screen; in a different font; or out loud - can be helpful in finding typos or grammatical errors.Speaking aloud will also help you to catch redundancies - phrases like 3 a.m. in the morning and $2 million dollars are redundant because a.m. indicates morning, and the word dollars is a repetition of the dollar sign.This article first appeared on Business Insider. Want to sound smarter Master these 7 grammar tips As the executive editor of Avenue Magazine, a luxury lifestyle publication based in New York City, I see the importance of proper grammar every day. But you donât have to work in publishing to realize the necessity of good writing. Misplaced commas, an incorrect spelling, or a missing hyphen can change the meaning of a sentence.Language rules exist for clarity. A classic example is the sentence âLetâs eat mom,â which reads much differently from âLetâs eat, mom.â In the first, the writer is having her mom for dinner. In the second, she is urging her mom to eat with her.Donât get caught up in an email chain of miscommunication. Read on for seven tips on how to improve your English expertise.1. Read frequentlyWriting well can become second nature to those who also read well. Pay attention to how authors structure their sentences and how they use commas and sentence length to adjust tone and cadence. Reading can help to increase vocabulary. If you donât know where to be gin, ask colleagues for reading suggestions specific to your field, or browse best-selling book lists (hereâs a great list of business books).Ladders is now on SmartNews!Download the SmartNews app and add the Ladders channel to read the latest career news and advice wherever you go.To write well, you must also understand the basics of the English language - how sentences are composed, the different parts of speech, subject/verb agreement, tense, and punctuation. Pick up a copy of Stephen Kingâs âOn Writingâ for a fresh take on writing rules.2. Memorize homophonesThereâs no way around it - many rules in the English language require memorization. Among the most frequently committed grammatical errors are misused homophones, which are words that sound the same but have different meanings.âYouâre/your,â âthere/their/theyâre,â âits/itâs,â and âthen/thanâ are all commonly confused. An easy tool to help with contractions is to remember that they are derive d from two words. âYouâreâ is âyou areâ; âtheyâreâ is âthey areâ; and âitâsâ is âit is.â âThenâ is used to indicate time, whereas âthanâ is used as a comparison.3. Learn first-person singular pronounsSentences often call for choosing the correct first-person singular pronoun - either âIâ or âme.â Remember that âIâ is a subject pronoun, whereas âmeâ is an object pronoun. A helpful way to determine word choice is to remove any other subjects.For example, consider the sentence âMy roommate and I/me went to the store.â If you think about the sentence as âI went to the storeâ or âMe went to the store,â itâs more obvious that âIâ is correct.âIâ is the subject of the verb âto be.â4. Learn how to use commasAs a very broad rule of thumb, commas are used to indicate pauses in a sentence. They should not be used in place of a period. For example, âWe went to the baseball field, it was funâ is incorrect.But â We went to the baseball field, and it was funâ is correct, as commas can be used to separate two independent clauses when joined by coordinating conjunctions like âand,â âor,â or âbut.â Commas are also used to separate three or more phrases in a series, after an introductory clause or phrase, and to set off nonessential clauses or phrases.5. Beware the dangling modifierA dangling modifier is a word or phrase that doesnât have a clear subject. âAfter reviewing your notes, the conclusion remains elusiveâ contains a dangling modifier. Who is reviewing the notes? The sentence should be rewritten to say, âAfter reviewing your notes, I am unable to come to a conclusion.â6. Stay activeAll sentences are identified as being either active or passive. In an active sentence, the subject performs the action. âThe girl ate the saladâ is an active sentence.In a passive sentence, the subject of the sentence is also the subject of the action. âThe salad was eaten by the girlâ is a passive sentence. Though both are grammatically correct, passive sentence structures often lead to more errors, including dangling modifiers, misplaced commas, and run-on sentences. Sticking to the active voice will help ensure clarity.7. Proofread and read your piece out loudA common cause of poor writing is time, as writers often power through emails and memos, giving a document a cursory glance before sending it to colleagues or clients. Step away from your piece before you submit it, and give it a thorough proofread.Reading your writing in a new form - for example, on paper instead of on a screen; in a different font; or out loud - can be helpful in finding typos or grammatical errors.Speaking aloud will also help you to catch redundancies - phrases like 3 a.m. in the morning and $2 million dollars are redundant because a.m. indicates morning, and the word dollars is a repetition of the dollar sign.This article first appeared on Business Insider.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Planning for Success(ion)
Planning for Success(ion) Planning for Success(ion) PLANNING FOR SUCCESS(ION) CFOs reported whether theyâve identified a successor for their position TOTAL COMPANY SIZE 20-49 EMPLOYEES COMPANY SIZE 50-99 EMPLOYEES COMPANY SIZE 100-249 EMPLOYEES COMPANY SIZE 250-499 EMPLOYEES COMPANY SIZE 500-999 EMPLOYEES COMPANY SIZE 1,000+ EMPLOYEES Yes 52% 37% 49% 49% 58% 68% 54% No 48% 63% 51% 51% 42% 32% 46% Those who havenât identified a successor explained why TOTAL COMPANY SIZE 20-49 EMPLOYEES COMPANY SIZE 50-99 EMPLOYEES COMPANY SIZE 100-249 EMPLOYEES COMPANY SIZE 250-499 EMPLOYEES COMPANY SIZE 500-999 EMPLOYEES COMPANY SIZE 1,000+ EMPLOYEES Not planning to leave soon 64% 61% 76% 58% 55% 72% 59% No qualified candidates at the company 17% 18% 11% 14% 19% 17% 22% Too busy focusing on other concerns 14% 10% 9% 20% 22% 11% 18% Not a priority since they would no longer be with the company 4% 7% 4% 7% 3% 0% 2% Other 1% 4% 0% 1% 2% 0% 0% 5 risks of not having an identified successor #1 Disrupts organizational productivity #2 Takes legacy knowledge out of the business #3 Puts strategic decisions on hold #4 Impairs internal professional development #5 Creates a protracted leadership void
Sunday, November 10, 2019
All About Make Resume
All About Make Resume Details of Make Resume When you highlight your prior positions and departments, try using common provisions, even if your preceding company produced a different title for your position. As you've been told in the start. If you're watching to obtain a federal government career or a civilian job for a veteran, then you want to acquire prepared to find a wholly various process of submitting job applications. Your resume will offer you the required edge so as to differentiate yourself from other applicants. Developing a professional resume now will help better prepare you once it is time to submit an expert job application. Also be certain there is enough white space on the page to make it effortless to scan. The service we've created presents an easy-to-use platform to purchase essay online and to get the precise essay you demand. If you would like to customize your calendar you're able to choose your own photo or images regarding the print. Don't neglect to be certain that your LinkedIn profile is in prime form. Resumebaking is a site or platform which lets you produce brilliant resumes in only a couple of minutes. If still there's a confusion concerning the expert services of the Professional Resume Writer one is suggested to select the reference of the net. Make a Great Looking Design Of course you would like your site to appear good but I'm likely to challenge you to make it appear great. When you are attempting to find out the way to make a resume it might appear to be a task big enough to climb a mountain. The very last thing you would like is for your resume to let you down when you're actually the best suited pick for the job. The major thing for obtaining a job is that need to have a good resume. Finding your dream job might be easy but getting into one will be hard if you don't have the appropriate tools. Employers get hundreds of resumes daily, and for each one job that's posted, 118 people apply for it, making the work hunt even more challenging. Do not ask people who don't like you. Employing buzz words has changed into an important technique that lots of job seekers still haven't been able master. The actual men and women highly praise our essay help site. You are able to also incorporate keywords from the work description in your resume. Zety's resume templates are made with the aid of recruiters and stick to the best practices in HR. They can be used for making CV, resume in order to apply for jobs. Only working isn't enough. Therefore, here are four choices that permit you to make the most of the cash it is going to be likely to earn as CNA. Net using IKVM already so that you don't need to be worried about that. Resumes that have the most important or a huge number of keywords are much more inclined to get passed on to the men and women who will in fact be offering you an interview. Resume Edge is among the best resume builders where you're able to build sophisticated, professional and extremely impressive resumes in an issue of a couple minutes. Professional Resume Writer is someone who will make your resume for the intent of getting notices by the employers. Cloud HR or HR software are two things that may aid you in hiring the perfect candidates for your business.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Resuem - the Story
Resuem - the Story Bear in mind there are a whole lot of individuals working in the industry who have not ever worn a uniform and might not fully understand what you've accomplished. If you're thinking about how to create a resume, you're in the proper place! Since you can observe that's a whole bunch of work. It's also important to think about the type of work you really are interested in being hired to do. No matter your approach, your target is going to be to create a chronological collection of experience that's related to the jobs you're applying to. Reading content backwardsawkward and time-consuming though it could beis a fantastic way to catch minor mistakes that you may otherwise miss. Maybe you've employed your listening skills to fully grasp how you are able to employ your expertise and experience to enhance the operation of others on your team still attempting to learn the ropes. Other helpful skills are gun handling along with basic stage combat, so you understand how to throw and have a punch without anyone getting hurt. The Basic Principles of Resuem You Will be Able to Benefit From Beginning Today On each doorstep, you will discover expert one-on-one counseling assistance or available classes, at no cost. You may use the very same graphic on your cover letter to provide your application a polished, pulled-together appearance. The particular skills section of an ac tor's resume isn't a landfill for useless info, he states. Whether you're applying for work, a grant, or using your resume to construct your own client base, a skilled and well-organized resume is encouraged. Some maintenance abilities and baking skills would be useful. Basic layouts are extremely simple to edit, even when you have never made a resume before. Basic doesn't need to mean boring, as you will notice in the wide variety of free basic resume templates we offer. A basic resume may be the perfect format and tool for you once you are trying to transition into work from freelancing or self-employment. It is possible to enter your social websites profile address for an extra point of contact. Concentrate on these sections to understand whether you meet the requirements for the position. Putting your skills section at the peak of your resume (below your intro and above your professional experience) places them in the spotlight in the place where they belong, and provi des the hiring manager easy and quick accessibility to the information that they're searching for. Writing a strong application is a difficult procedure and we would like to make it simpler. All About Resuem When you switch roles, nearly all of your prior work experience is going to be considered irrelevant. In the end, you would like to attempt to strike a balance between including experience that's both timely and relevant. If you're targeting work outside the defense planet, then you most certainly will need to translate your skills, experiences and accomplishments in the English Language. You are also able to get a feeling of the internal language used within a specific industry or company. Resuem: the Ultimate Convenience! High schools also often provide workshop classes which can be helpful in learning the essentials of such relevant trades as carpentry and plumbing. In a CV, as an example, if you're asking for work in education, you may want to place your teaching e xperience near the top of your CV. If you're attempting to acquire work in accounting or finance you require averystrong resume. When employers review your resume, they need to be able to work out quickly what you did at a specific job. You would like to land a great job which pays well. Also show you're a well-rounded worker. The Appeal of Resuem Our aim is to produce the creation process simple for you. Before you list someone for a reference, make certain to call them to ask permission, make them know the sort of work you're pursuing and, if needed, refresh their memory about your work. Don't make the error of answering each job posting with the exact generic resume. Keep in contact with your job references. Possessing a strong resume will enable you find numerous great jobs. Infographic-style resumes have gotten popular, and they may be effective when done well. Interested candidates can watch the property at They can view the property at Just consider it your very first step in convincing employers that you've got the qualifications they require. Federal jobs often need you to have experience in a special type of work for some period of time. There are a lot of standard forms of resumes used to make an application for job openings. It's possible to also list the subjects or units pertinent to the job which you're applying for.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Best System to Use for Server Resume Examples Revealed
The Best System to Use for Server Resume Examples Revealed Whispered Server Resume Examples Secrets If your resume is longer than 1 page, we suggest that you edit it down to a single page. Resumes may set the tone for your upcoming career. They are the most important part of getting a job when it comes to jobs related to serving such as a waiter, waitress, food servers when least number of technical skills is required. Sample Resumes create the very first impression, and if they're professional and clean, the interviewer is very likely to favor you over others. A job interview is frequently the last step to employment. When you wish to land that ideal job then you must have a stellar resume. Your probability of getting the job can become very slim when it happens. Our resume builder makes it simple to create an in a couple of minutes. The great thing about a professional resume is it is clear concise and simple to comprehend. A restaurant server might be a guy or a woman, as it's a gender-neutral term. Use the search box to find precisely what you are interested in. The Tried and True Method for Server Resume Examples in Step by Step Detail Our resume builder will provide you with tips and examples on the best way to compose your resume summary. There are several critical things that you're able to discover when you go over those samples just like how to decide on the best suited terms th at you will utilize in the document. If so, there are a few instructions that you must follow for you to think of the best resume. You would like to use an example for a guide so you're able to begin writing your own covering letter (also called a motivation letter). Lies You've Been Told About Server Resume Examples It's used to refer to the procedure for getting your data persisted into a database. Our Server resume sample has all of the ingredients to produce your application stick out from the rest. It is going to also demonstrate all items which were entered into the database. The database demands the capacity to efficiently compute the start pointer of an upcoming page. Remember that in the event that you have any certifications, including a Certification in Food Handling and Safety, you should put it at the peak of your resume. Thus, it's understandable to have an extensive work experience for a Server. Before you try to apply for the job, look at an expert Server resume sample to make certain you've. The best servers usually make great suggestions, or so the competition for these jobs can be difficult. What the In-Crowd Won't Tell You About Server Resume Examples Additionally, you've got to demonstrate you can handle responsibility and aren't reluctant to work with different folks to plan events and reach team objectives. Your final goal is going to be to offer high-quality service which will help us maintain and attract customers. There's an unconditionally fine heritage that you have to wander in order to generate the most effective realistic resume. Chess team might not be an excellent option for interest on a Server resume, but drama c lub may be! The odds of being rejected by employers are high once you've got an unprofessional resume. Although professional experience is often preferred, there are different forms of experience that managers may think about when searching for servers. Naturally, high-energy people are inclined to thrive in food support. Next up is Kenny, that has been working in restaurants for over 12 decades, and would like to revise his resume to take advantage of chances to step up. Our resume examples offer inspiration, but more importantly guidance on the best way to structure and compose the elements. When creating a resume, it can be simple to become so focused on experience in prior jobs which other technical skills become neglected. These skills are fantastic tactics to engage your customer and offer positive impact to the restaurant.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Pain of Resume from Linkedin
The Pain of Resume from Linkedin Resume from Linkedin Ideas If you're a work seeker, applying for a job can be a difficult approach. Since you can observe that's a whole bunch of work. An excellent job is the secret to living a joyful life. Turning your fantasy job into a reality is the thing that makes me passionate and motivated to give premium resume writing that lands you the very best job in the shortest period of time. In some instances you could have a gap of a couple of months or more between leaving a job and receiving a new job. Welcome to one of the greatest investments you could ever make in your journey to finding your ideal job! Lots of people don't like their present job or career. If it takes an excessive amount of time to read what precisely your role was, it's unlikely individuals will read it whatsoever. The LinkedIn URL ought to go in the header along with the remainder of your contact info. You should finally have a print-ready page. You may sign up for one at their site and start to explore what it has to offer you. Even in the event the website was superb. You have to be immediately reachable by a prospective employer wherever you might be. Some businesses will request a duplicate of your resume via email. Sadly, you could be proper. Free Your resume is absolutely free to produce and distribute, aside from the price of stamps (though you should be emailing yours). Resu me from Linkedin - the Conspiracy The summary is just one of the most essential sections of your profile, as it's a room to showcase your passion, enthusiasm, and above all, your history of results. The information here provides you better idea of the main skills you are able to highlight on your resume. Creating several different resume versions will also permit you to put resume headlines and taglines at the surface of your document--increasing your resume's appeal to the appropriate audience. LinkedIn is a superb method to network, market yourself, and catch the interest of possible employers. Show the business you can achieve higher outcome and take their brand to the next level. So creating a great profile is critical to being found for your next career prospect. Even when you aren't sending people to your LinkedIn page, it's likely to be among the initial results for anybody who Googles you to discover about your professional qualifications and experience. To make the most of Resume Assistant, you need simply to select your preferred role and industry. Job seekers contact me daily to make certain they obtain their career moving in the perfect direction. Even when you're pursuing different kinds of jobs, your Profile should have a fair match for every one of your objectives. The advice for LinkedIn is, naturally, the precise opposite. An interview is the proper time to provide such explanations. Resumes are an essential evil. The New Angle On Resume from Linkedin Just Released You must also make sure that you've got an expert photo and an excellent quantity of connections. Sensitive or internal company info, together with overly personal details, should never create the cut. From that point, the work description details can be pre-populated with a couple clicks, employing the ideal wording as determined by Resume Builder's experts. Scannable resumes need specific page designs because computer scanners cannot read certain products. New Step by Step Roadmap for Resume from Linkedin Including a URL to a terrible LinkedIn profile will do more damage than good. You have the choice to customize you LinkedIn URL. If you own a profile on LinkedIn, take a peek at it now. Or all you have to do is click the word Profile itself. What's Truly Happening with Resume from Linkedin LinkedIn does offer a quality that you might be acquainted with, Export to PDF, which does in reality export your profile for a PDF. Resumes have a tendency to be somewhat restrictive because you comply with an overall format. Look for a job that you would want to submit an application for that has the LinkedIn easy apply option. One of the absolute most important tools for a work seeker is their LinkedIn profile. When you make an application for work, the employer might also take a look at your LinkedIn profile to find out more about you. If you are at present unemployed, underemployed, or simply seeking to modify jobs, I urge you to make a LinkedIn profile in case you haven't already.
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