Saturday, December 28, 2019
Leading People - ECQs
Leading People - ECQsLeading People - ECQsLeading People ECQsECQ 2 Leading PeopleAs discussed in the last blog, the Executive Core Qualification (ECQ) statements are broken down into five categoriesLeading Change Leading People Results Driven Business Acumen Building CoalitionsEach ECQ category has leadership competencies that are required to be addressed within each ECQ. Each ECQ typically has two stories and the leadership competencies can be woven through both stories.Today, we are going to discuss Leading People. The leadership competencies attached to Leading People areConflict Management Encourages creative tension and differences of opinions. Anticipatesand takes steps to prevent counter-productive confrontations. Manages and resolves conflictsand disagreements in a constructive manner.Leveraging Diversity Fosters an inclusive workplace where diversity and individual differences are valued and leveraged to achieve the vision and mission of the organization.Developing Oth ers Develops the ability of others to perform and contribute to theorganization by providing ongoing feedback and by providing opportunities to learn throughformal and informal methods.Team Building Inspires and fosters kollektiv commitment, spirit, pride, and trust. Facilitatescooperation and motivates team members to accomplish group goals.One or more of the Leading People stories should focus on leveraging diversity and conflict management. If you integrate those competencies into the stories, then fruchtwein likely you will also cover team building and developing others.Leading People is focused on leading the people, rather than human capital or human resources management. Many ECQ writers will find that they need to flip stories from Leading People to Business Acumen or vice.To include diversity, identify stories that involve a wide-range of personnel with varied skill sets, ages, or varied experience (e.g., military, industry, university, international). One writer told a st ory of matching more senior staff with millennials he asked the senior staff to mentor and provide knowledge transfer to the newer staff, and he asked the junior staff to teach the senior staff how to use smart phones and other computer programs.Another writer told a story of melding military personnel with non-military. He created special forums and team-building activities to blend the two cultures and bring understanding.For conflict management, one writer told a story about how he assumed leadership for a disorganized and chaotic team in constant conflict with official grievances. He mentored his senior subordinates (Branch Chiefs) to properly use performance evaluations for the staff and enforce performance standards. He professionally developed the entire staff by coaching his Branch Chiefs to properly manage their staffs.Final Tip for Leading People Use stories that focus on more than one person the results need to provide benefit to the greater team or staff/offices. Storie s that focus on only one person and one conflict can be too narrow and may be disqualified by the Qualifications Review Board (QRB). Conflict resolution stories at affect the entire staff are much stronger and show broader expertise in applying the required leadership competencies for Leading People.If you need additional assistance, check out our newly updated book (December 2015),The New SES Application, or visit ourServicespage for a quote. Diane can also deliver hands-on training in ECQ writing at your agency contact us for a discussion. Diane Hudson is a multi-credentialed career coach, executive resume writer and editor, specializing in posturing federal and non-federal employees to enter the federal governments Senior Executive Service (SES). She is co-author of The New SES Application, the first-ever book written about the Five-page SES Federal Resume, as well as the traditional 10-page ECQ format. Diane is an experienced trainer in Senior Executive Service, ECQ/TQ, KSA and Federal Resume Writing topics for SES Candidate Development Program candidates. Agency instruction experience includes Commanders Leadership Development Program at the Naval Ship Yard, Air Force Headquarters, US Army Missile Command, FEMA, Defense Acquisition University (Fellows), EPA,PTO, Bureau of Reclamation, Southern Command, Special Forces, and others. Diane is an instructor for military employment readiness specialists and retiring military as well as train-the-trainer at career industry conferences internationally on outplacement and career search topics. The New SES Application, 2nd Edition Why struggle on your own to write your Senior Executive Service application? Use a clear step-by-step method that welches refined over 10 years in author Kathryn Troutmans 2-day SES workshops, and proven to work hundreds of times in the classroom. Along the way, youll find excellent before and after samples of the application pieces. Includes the key steps involved in developing the SES a pplication writing the ECQs, TQs, Five-Page SES Federal Resume, and Executive Cover Letter (if needed), as well as using the required Challenge-Context-Action-Results (CCAR) format for SES narratives.Order Book Now
Monday, December 23, 2019
Military Humanitarian or Compassionate Assignments
Military Humanitarian or Compassionate AssignmentsMilitary Humanitarian or Compassionate AssignmentsIts an unfortunate truth that sometimes during a military career, a member may experience a severe family hardship which requires his/her presence to resolve, with circumstances which make resolving it withemergency leaveimpractical. To help military members in such situations, each of the serviceshas developed a program that allows military members to be re-assigned, or temporarily deferred fromthe assignment if they have a severe family hardship which requires their presence to resolve. TheAir Force, Navy,Marine Corps, and Coast Guard call this program Humanitarian Assignments. The Army calls their program Compassionate Assignments. Exceptional Family Member Program While not a component of Humanitarian/Compassionate Assignments, the Exceptional Family MemberProgram or EFMP warrants special mention. EFMP was developed to make sure military family members (dependents) with special needs (medical, educational, etc.), receive the special attention they require. A small parte of this program is integrated into the military assignments system. When a military member has dependents (spouse, son, daughter, step-son, step-daughter, etc.) with special needs, they are enrolled in EFMP. If the member is selected for an accompanied assignment, one of the first things that happen is the EFMP folks at the losing base contact the EFMP folks at the projected gaining base to determine if the dependents special needs can be adequately addressed at the new location. If not, the assignment iscanceled. It ensures that military dependents are not forced to move to locations where their special needs cannot be adequately addressed, either by the military installation or in the local community. EFMP does not restrict a member from doing his/her share of unaccompanied assignments, however, so they can still deploy. The program merely makes sure that members arent selected for an ac companied assignment to areas where their dependents would not get the special attention they require. Humanitarian/Compassionate Reassignments A Humanitarian Assignment is a special assignment authorized to alleviate a hardship so severe an emergency leave cannot fully resolve it. While each of the serviceshasdifferent procedures, there are some requirements that are common to all the branches. To qualify for a Humanitarian Assignment consideration, a military member must have a documented and substantiated problem involving a family member, which is significantly more severe than other military members situation. Family Member is generally defined asspouse, child, father, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, a rolle in locoparentis or other persons residing in the household who are dependent for over half of their financial support. In the Coast Guard,father-in-law, andmother-in-law do not qualify as family members for Humanitarian Assignments. The problem must be able to be resolved within a specific time-frame (six months to two years, depending on the branch of service). Military members are expected to be available for worldwide assignment, at all times, according to the needs of the service. Thats a large part of why they get a paycheck. For those who have a permanent or prolonged family problem that prevents reassignment, humanitarian discharge is generally the appropriate action. The Comptroller General has ruled that the military services cannot fund an assignment relocation for humanitarian reasons only. That means there must be a valid slot at the gaining base for the persons rank and job. For example, the Air Force would not be able to reassign an F-15 Fighter Aircraft Mechanic to a base that does not have slots for F-15 Fighter Aircraft Mechanics. However, sometimes a service will allow a member to re-train into a different job, to fill a required slot at the Humanitarian Assignment Location. Army Compassionate Action Requests The Army c alls their Humanitarian Assignment Program Compassionate Action Requests. Compassionate actions are requests from individual soldiers when personal problems exist. The two types of compassionate requests are when personal problems are Temporary (resolvable within a year)Not expected to be resolved within a year Reassignment may be authorized when there are extreme family problems, and the soldiers presence is needed. A soldier may get adeletion or deferment from an overseas assignment if the problem requires them to stay in the U.S. for a short time. If the problem is chronic or cant be resolved in a short amount of time, a compassionate discharge procedureis generally the most appropriate action. Consideration for reassignment may be given in cases of extreme family problems that are not expected to be resolved within a year if it meets the needs of the Army. Requests are made on DA Form 3739, Application for Assignment/Deletion/Deferment for Extreme Family Problems submitted throu gh the chain of command. It must be done by the soldier.Commanders can disapprove of compassionate requests when they do not meet the prerequisites. The Army Personnel Command has approval authority for a compassionate reassignment. Criteria The soldier needs to be present to resolve the problem, and it cant be done with leave.The problem cannot have been foreseen when the soldier last entered active duty.A family member includes spouse, child, parent, minor brother or sister, a person in loco parentis, or the only living blood relative of the soldier. If not one of those people, they must be documented as a dependent or, in the case of parents-in-law, no other member of the spouses family can help.For reassignment, a job (MOS) of the correct rank must be available at the requested installation. A pending assignment may be deferred until the request is decided. However, soldiers in basic training will not be deferred from AIT pending the results.The problem must be temporary and resolvable within one year, although longer deferments are sometimes approved. Examples of Requests That Are Normally Approved Death, rape, or a severe psychotic episode of your spouse or minor childTerminal illness of an immediate family member whose doctor documents they are expected to pass within 12 monthsMajor surgery for a spouse or minor child which will have 12 months or less of recovery timeIf you were separated from your family due to military service (not negligence or misconduct) and your children are being placed in foster careAdoption if the child is being placed within 90 days and the adoption was initiated before notification of reassignment Soldiers en route from an accompanied OCONUS tour to an unaccompanied OCONUS tour may be deferred for up to 30 days. The deferment is for settlement of family when the soldiers presence is required for unforeseen problemsThe recent death of other family members with extenuating circumstances Examples of Requests That Are Normally Not Approved The desire to move to a new areaDivorce or separation and legal actions relating to it, including child custodyGaining child custody in a divorceSole parenthoodSpouses difficult pregnancyFamily members allergiesHousing problemsFinancial problemsChronic problems relating to parents or parents-in-law If a compassionate action request is disapproved, a soldier may only request reconsideration for the same family emergency one time. If that is disapproved, there will be no further reconsideration. For complete details about the Armys Compassionate Assignments Program, seeArmy regelung 614-200,?Enlisted Assignments and Utilization Management, paragraph 5-8.??
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Avoid the comparison trap and run your own race
Avoid the comparison trap and run your own raceAvoid the comparison trap and run your own raceThis is Lesson 6 in our 10-part series on getting what you really want out of life. Were talking goals, dreams, and calling - all stuff I love.Ive been sharing my story of not only becoming a writer but learning a lot of other lessons - like the importance of not comparing myself to others. Run your own race has become a bit of a mantra to me lately.Sidenote if youre enjoying this series, check out one of Michael Hyatts upcoming live trainings on goal-setting. He is the Grand Poobah of this stuff, and Ive learned so much from him.Click here to see a list of dates and times.Also, if you need to get caught up on this series, here are the previous lessons (including audio versions with some bonus material)Lesson 1Find your whoLesson 2Decide not to driftLesson 3Set habits, not goalsLesson 4Measure the processLesson 5Seek feedback, ignore criticismAll right. On with the next one Note To listen to the audio of this lesson, click here.Lesson 6 Run your own raceThe other day, I postedsomething snarky on FacebookSo how do you use social media without hating everyone?To be honest, I was just venting. Im a pretty insecure rolle and can easily get jealous of what other people are doing. And I wanted to know if I was the only one who did that.I received a lot of interesting responses.One person told me to pray more. Another person told me to unfriend everyone. But one person said thisJust remember that everyone deep down just wants to feel loved and important. Anything you see stems from that.I loved that, because thats what I want. To feel loved and important. And usually, I feel pretty good about my life - my goals, my dreams, my accomplishments - until I see someone doing better than me.I know not everyone is this way, but I am. Its a sickness, I think - this fear of missing out, the comparison trap we often find ourselves in.But it doesnt have to be this way.Sure, ignoring people helps some of the time. But sometimes, its just hard to ignore everyone all the time.About a year ago, I learned a crucial lesson. I was drowning in stress and overcome with resentment about my situation. On the outside, I looked like I was winning I had a seven-figure business, a bestselling book, and hundreds of thousands of fans. But inside, I was miserable.All I could think about was what I wasnt doing. What I wasnt achieving. What I had to yet to do. And it was eating me up inside.A number of people helped me get out of that funk, and I detail all of ithere in this article.I am now a lot healthier and happier. But I can still drift into the comparison mode and find myself not enjoying what Im doing.Theres one simple phrase that Ive held onto all this time. It was given to me by a friend who was desperately trying to beat everyone around him in a marathon (like, a literal marathon), and one of the people he was running beside shouted at himRun your own race.Thats become a sort of mantra for me. I dont have to compare myself to other people, because we are all playing different games. Thats the fun part. We get tochoose the games we play, the crafts we want to master.When I hear a friend sharing about his biggest month ever, I can quietly tell myself Run your own race.When I see someones highlight reel on Facebook, I dont have to be mad or assume theyre lying. I can just remind myself that this is not my life. What someone else is doing has no bearing on what I do. Thats their race. I need to run my own.And when I worry about not doing enough and really not being enough, I can quietly say to myselfThis is your race. Run it well.Because, really, thats what we all want, isnt it? To do the thing that only we can do - and to do it well.So if you struggle with comparison and jealousy as I do, let me say to youRun your own race. Jeff GoinsTheres really nothing else for you to do. Cover bands dont change the world, as my friend Todd Henry likes to say. A nd you wont change anything trying to be someone else.Let me say that againYou wont change anything trying to be someone else.Run your own race.See you at the finish line.Thisarticlefirst appeared on Goins, Writer.
Friday, December 13, 2019
ASME Launches the ASME Energy Forum
ASME Launches the ASME Energy Forum ASME Launches the ASME Energy Forum A Yearlong Series on Emerging Energy TechnologiesThe Society has launched a new yearlong multi-media series - the ASME Energy Forum - that explores the technical aspects and workings of a broad range of energy sources and related technologies. From solar power and hydro to fuel cell vehicles and wind farms, youll get leading technical expert perspectives on how these energy sources and technologies work, the technical issues and challenges, and the economic implications for businesses.Hydrokinetics is the focus of the first ASME Energy Forum installment, which consists of a webinar and related content on and in Mechanical Engineering magazine. The webinar, Tapping the Power of Flowing Water, will take place Feb. 14 from 200 p.m.-300 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. This online seminar, exploring hydrokinetic power demo projects already underway in New York Harbor and the Gulf Stream, will be presented by AS ME Past President Susan Skemp, executive director of Florida Atlantic Universitys Southeast National Marine Renewable Energy Center, and Jonathan Colby, a hydrodynamic engineer with Verdant Power. It will be moderated by David Walsh, editor, For mora information on the webinar, or to register, click here.The hydrokinetics topic, as part of the ASME Energy Forum, also includes two informative articles by writers from and Mechanical Engineering magazine. The article, Bobbing for Power, is now available online. The Mechanical Engineering article, Waves, Currents Electric Potential, by Mark Crawford, will be available shortly on the ASME Energy Forum page on coming months, the ASME Energy Forum will examine a number of other subjects through its series of in-depth webinars, articles, interviews, podcasts and infographics. These topics will include solar power, waste-to-energy, wind farms, fuel cell vehicles and stations, and hydraulic fracturing. To learn more about the ASME Energy Forum, visit the ASME Energy Forum page on
Monday, December 9, 2019
New Article Reveals the Low Down on What Do Employers Look for in a Resume and Why You Must Take Action Today
New Article Reveals the Low Down on What Do Employers Look for in a Resume and Why You Must Take Action Today The Advantages of What Do Employers Look for in a Resume The qualifications for a job ought to depend on which skills, traits, and behaviors are essential to be prosperous in the job. You should incorporate all certifications and licensures along with your formal schooling as they relate to the specific position for which youre applying. You may remember that the resume screening process differs for professionals. Its also the fruchtwein essential. The Bad Secret of What Do Employers Look for in a Resume The peak of your resume should includecritical keyword phrases and a fast snapshot of your core strengths, Leavy-Detrick states. With this kind of competition in the work market, it is essential that your resume is tailored to the job for which youre applying. Because of this, many candidates decide to put in a section highlighting their most relevant skills at the very top of their resume. Every time you sit down to prepare a cover letter and resume, take a little time to get within the head of the individual doing the very first screening. Bear in mind that a new job may be a completely new beginning for you. If you have to consist of past work thats on the border of relevance, make certain you list job duties which can be regarding the position youre applying for. The work description might also earn a difference. Instead, find out more about the business and read the work description closely. Employers seek those having the ability to lead, motivate and stimulate other people to achieve targets and inspire change. Highly relevant knowledge in a field is the very first thing employers search for. Consider what youve accomplished previously and what you may offer later on. For candidates without any prior work experience, you might want to look for related volunteer experience. If youve got several years of experience, its reasonab le to only consist of information from the previous 10 to 15 decades. If you would like to land job interviews, your entire resume should be excellent, but only a single part of it must be really fantastic. In some instances, a hiring manager is searching for healthcare skills resume above anything else. You feel as though youve stopped growing in your present position and determined a new job would be the perfect way to advance your career. As you find out more about the job that youre applying for, identify industry difficulties. Looking for a new job is just one of the most difficult things you are going to have to do in your career and its no easier this year. If possible, fill employment gaps with different experiences like education or freelance work. Every employer would like to find out what youve done previously. Basically, you wish to quickly portray that youre a perfect candidate for those varieties of jobs youre pursuing. Dont make the error of answering each job posting with the exact generic resume. What You Need to Do About What Do Employers Look for in a Resume Before You Miss Your Chance Employers are trying to see whether you are able to assemble a presentable document. When potential recruiters and employers scan through a pile of resumes, they start looking for certain search phrases and red flags to allow them to know whether the candidate is well worth anotlageher appearance. After youve proofread your resume, you will be prepared to apply for jobs. Most jobs require that you have a fundamental comprehension of computer programs including Excel and Microsoft Office, together with skills in internet navigation, social networking sites and email systems. Hiring managers wish to see your private web presence as it gives them the chance to find out more about you as a candidate. Look carefully at the posting, and in case you have the necessary skills be certain to list them. Make sure that your resume is attractive, make certain its pertinent to the job, make certain youve got traditional format and be certain to use terminology that paints you as a valuable contributor to the business. Resumes are simply not exciting or attractive or sexy however you would like to say it.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
The Benefits of Resume Writing for Ece Students
The Benefits of Resume Writing for Ece Students In the competitive area of education, you are going to want yur resume to be noticed, and highlight your capacity to learn and grow in the present atmosphere. If you have little teaching experience, include volunteer positions and co-curricular pursuits that involve teaching in some manner. A job may be an experience building stepping stone if you already know what sort of career youd like to make in future. Once your resume is completed, you are able to even download it and use it in order to apply for any organization when you want Gossip, Lies and Resume Writing for Ece Students Its not quite as difficult as you may think. If youre a career changer or have several years of experience, craft a highly effective overview to highlight your accomplishments and abilities. Teaching jobs usually need specific degrees and certifications, so be certain to highlight your education. Write down what skills you used, and the way they may relate to the job that you desire. You, if youd like the job. You dont need to incorporate every job that you have had since college. For instance, if youre asking for a job as an administrative assistant, you dont will need to discuss the way your job for a babysitter helped improve your childcare skills, but you might share the way the experience helped you cultivate time management abilities and the capacity to juggle several tasks simultaneously. A summary statement is a brief expert introduction which you can increase the peak of your resume. A strong summary statement at the peak of your resume can increase the possibilities of them noticing what youve got to offer from the beginning. Provided that you include all the appropriate info, sometimes a different look can be what makes you stick out from the remaining portion of the applicants. Your contact information should always go on top of your resume, so that employers can readily find it. If you are in possessi on of a permanent and local address, you may want to play with columns. Writing a resume isnt a simple endeavour, and as stated by the feedback from our current community, its really useful to check professional resume examples before starting to compose your own. Your resume will be broken into sections. Excellent time management abilities and motivation are simply two of them. For students that are new to the work market, interests and activities are a superior means to show employers you have skills they are searching for. You will also find a good example of a resume written especially for an early childhood education job. Many college students aspire to attain success at a youthful age.
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